Let’s keep up the momentum in 2016 with great networking events such as tips on using LinkedIn to grow your business and if you missed it, AMA Phoenix is presenting DATOS 2015: A Review of the State of Arizona’s Hispanic Market on Wednesday. Don’t miss out on these great opportunities and as always, hope to see…
Author: Eric Diaz
Phoenix Networking Events: Week of Jan 4, 2016
by Eric Diaz •
Happy New Year! Hope you’re email box is well on it’s way to Inbox Zero. Get ready to put your networking shoes back on this week, find our favorites below. As always, hope to see you out there! Tuesday 1/5, 9am – 10:30am (Education & Networking): Social Media 101 – The Basics of Social. This presentation…
#YesPHX Happy Hour, NSHMBA Professional Development Event & More – Recommended Events Week of September 8th
by Eric Diaz •
So many great events packed into such a short week! Events include #YesPHX’s September Happy Hour and Seedspot’s kickoff party on Wednesday, as well as a great professional development event this coming Thursday with NSHMBA. Enjoy the networking opportunities. Hope to see you out there! Wednesday 9/9, 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Education & Networking): Lunch & Learn: Crafting Company…
NSHMBA Women’s Leadership & Networking Event and other Recommended Events: Week of May 4th
by Eric Diaz •

Excellent week for events! Recommended events this week include the Phoenix Hispanic Digital Summit, the Business of Web Meetup and a great Women’s Leadership Networking event. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 5/5, 8:30am–1:00pm (Educational & Networking): Phoenix Hispanic Digital Summit 2015. You are invited to Univision Studios for an opportunity to get the latest information on Hispanic…
Coworking on 15th Ave’s One Year Anniversary and other Recommended Events: Week of March 16th
by Eric Diaz •
Happy Monday everyone! This week’s events include an art exhibit at the Arizona Senate, a talk with guest speaker Joe Ray on how to effectively communicate with Latinos in the US, and Coworking on 15th Ave’s One Year Anniversary networking event with Get Your PHX. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 3/17, 11:30am-1:00pm (Educational & Networking): Lunch…
Come Celebrate Our 1 Year Anniversary on March 19th!
by Eric Diaz •
Our good friends at Get Your PHX are helping us to celebrate a milestone; Our 1 Year Anniversary! Join us for craft beer, food and an exclusive look at the new way to run your business. For those that have not been here yet, you will find that our office holds seven rooms with twenty desks. These…
Startup Grind Tonight and other Recommended Events: Week of March 10th
by Eric Diaz •
Hello everyone, hope your week has kicked off well. A few great events this week, such as tonight’s Startup Grind with Rick Smith from Taser andThursday’s AMA event on getting marketing results. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 3/10, 6:00pm- 9:00pm (Education & Networking): Startup Grind Phoenix: Hosts Rick Smith, CEO & co-founder of Taser International. It’s not too…
Recommended Events Week of February 16th
by Eric Diaz •
Happy President’s Day everyone, hope your Monday has kicked off well! This week‘s events include a critique on Super Bowl 49 ads, a workshop on how to maximize your business usage of Facebook, and Social Media Slam Jam. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 2/17, 6:00pm- 8:00pm (Educational & Networking): AD2SDAY: Super Bowl Review. Join special guest Tess Calle who is…
Special Offer of $150 Month to Month Office Space for Local First and Fuerza Local Members
by Eric Diaz •

Through the end of October, Coworking on 15th Ave is offering a special deal for members of Local First and Fuerza Local. Members that sign up for month to month office space by October 31st will get a special rate of only $150 per month, which includes wireless internet, coffee, and networking. Join the coworking movement and…
Coworking in Phoenix, Events
A Visit to Cocktails with Creators
by Eric Diaz •
Breaking out the Map I won’t lie, its hard to get this urban bicyclist out of central Phoenix. Just ask my girlfriend, when the topic of ‘dinner in Scottsdale’ comes up, I shudder. However, that is a tendency that I’m trying to break and with two visits east of 40th St this week I think I’m making excellent progress.…