Energize your Business, Blog and Tweet at the Same Time, Learn How to Create Your Own App and other Recommended Events: Week of September 14th

This Wednesday, we will be hosting the Energize your Business series, the first of many workshops to help your business succeed. Other great events include learning blogging and tweeting strategies, learn to create your own app with Ryan Allen, Local First’s monthy meeting and last but not least, a wine cork art party. Hope to see you out there!

Tuesday 9/15, 11:30am-1:00pm (Education & Networking): Blogging & Twitter Strategies to Spread your Message. Most people are unaware that Twitter is considered micro-blogging, whereby you are spreading your message in 140 characters or less. Similar to texting, you can share your message with the world and share your business network online. ASBA – 4600 E. Washington St. Ste. 340, Phoenix. Admission: FREE!

Tuesday 9/15, 6:00pm-9:00pm (Education & Networking): VA Angels Meeting at CEI. The City of Phoenix and the Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation are thrilled to welcome the VA Angels to Phoenix! The Canadian-based investor group will be holding their regular meetings at CEI; the organization is looking for investors interested in joining as well as entrepreneurs to apply for pitching. Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation, Main Conference Room  – 275 N. GateWay Drive, Phoenix. Admission: FREE! 
RSVP: http://ceigateway.com/calendar/va-angels-meeting-cei-2

Business Energizer Kick Off Mixer   Compass Career   Business SolutionsWednesday 9/16, 6pm-8pm (Education & Networking):  Energize your Business Series.You are invited to the beginning of Energize your Business, a series of workshops that will give you the fundamental tools to make your business successful. Connect with other entrepreneurs and community leaders, enjoy a talk with Edgar R. Olivo on the power of business training and explore Coworking on 15th Ave’s office space and resources dedicated to professionals. There will be beverages and appetizers. Coworking on 15th Ave – 3428 N. 15th Ave, Phoenix. Admission: FREE! 
RSVP: http://www.compasscbs.com/events/event/business-energizer-kick-off-mixer/

Wednesday 9/16, 6pm-8pm (Education & Networking):  Local First’s September Evening Mixer. Their networking mixers are a great way to meet fellow members. The first hour is dedicated to networking and at 7 p.m., information within the organization and the local movement is discussed. There will be a drawing for door prizes as well as a 50/50 raffle. Light appetizers & beverages will be provided by SuperFarm SuperTruck. Gateway Bank of Mesa – 6860 E. Warner Rd, Mesa. Admission: Members Only with one guest
RSVP: https://xg112.infusionsoft.com/app/page/default-campaign-landing-page37

Thursday 9/17, 6:30pm-7:30pm (Education and Networking): So You Want to Make a Mobile app? Award-winning Arizona based designer Ryan Allen will talk about the process of designing and launching a mobile app in today’s competitive and fast growing market. Eureka Loft at Civic Center Library – 3839 N. Drinkwater Blvd, Scottsdale. Admission: FREE! 
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Eureka-Scottsdale/events/223024057/

Friday 9/18, 7pm-10pm (Entertainment): Wine + Cork- A Creatable Art Party. Wine bottles and corks can become many things like hip vases, funky coasters, artistic décor, capsule messages and much more! Bring your empty wine bottles and corks or use ones that will be provided, there will many fun projects for you to try. The Refuge Cafe – 4727 N. 7th Ave, Phoenix. Admission: $23 RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wine-cork-a-creatable-art-party-tickets-17951441244