Oh a Phoenix March. You come in so quick, and you bring traffic that plods along congested with sedated midwestern snowbirds. But alas you are beautiful. And so are the central Phoenix networking events! Highlighted by Venture Madness starting tonight, Startup Grind next Wednesday the 15th, and an action packed day on March 23rd including the…
Tag: Co+Hoots
14 Events to Kick off your February Networking Game! (Recommended Phoenix Events: Phoenix Startup Week Edition)
by Eric Diaz •

Well February is a big one for entrepreneurs with Phoenix Startup Week kicking off on Feb 20th. If you are in for networking tonight, there are two great networking events phoenix to kick off your Tuesday with HackerNest and Startup Grind. Like free money and live biz-pitch competitions? Two of them this month, one for…
Recommended Phoenix Networking Events: January New Year Edition
by Eric Diaz •
How is your new year kicking off? Ready for some great Phoenix networking? Us too. So many great events this week, these organizers definitely had lofty goals to kick off the year and we are the beneficiaries! This month! – Starting tonight enjoy Startup Grind in Chandler, Get Your PHX at the new Jobot, Seedspot Info…
Learn the Agile Method, Designers Roundtable at Co+Hoots, WordPress Group & More – Great Phoenix Events: Week of June 14th
by Eric Diaz •
Great Phoenix events on the calendar for those looking to streamline productivity, improve their design expertise and network, upgrade their WordPress know-how and more! This is your week, hope to see you out there! Wednesday 6/15 11:30am – 1:30pm (Education & Networking): Faster, Cheaper, Better the Agile/Lean Way. Agile coach will show you how Agile can…
7 Great Networking Events in Phoenix You Won’t Want to Miss: Week of January 11th
by Eric Diaz •
Let’s keep up the momentum in 2016 with great networking events such as tips on using LinkedIn to grow your business and if you missed it, AMA Phoenix is presenting DATOS 2015: A Review of the State of Arizona’s Hispanic Market on Wednesday. Don’t miss out on these great opportunities and as always, hope to see…
#YesPHX Happy Hour, NSHMBA Professional Development Event & More – Recommended Events Week of September 8th
by Eric Diaz •
So many great events packed into such a short week! Events include #YesPHX’s September Happy Hour and Seedspot’s kickoff party on Wednesday, as well as a great professional development event this coming Thursday with NSHMBA. Enjoy the networking opportunities. Hope to see you out there! Wednesday 9/9, 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Education & Networking): Lunch & Learn: Crafting Company…
Recommended Events Week of March 2nd
by Mariellen Dominguez •
Happy rainy Monday everyone! Spring Training is officially here; get out your jerseys, but don’t forget to check out these fun networking events this week as well. Hope to see you out there!Wednesday 3/4, 1:30–5:00pm (Education & Networking): Inbound Marketing Week 2015: The Pillars of Customer Delight. Join us for a special presentation by Mark Killens, founder and leader of the…
Recommended Events Week of February 16th
by Eric Diaz •
Happy President’s Day everyone, hope your Monday has kicked off well! This week‘s events include a critique on Super Bowl 49 ads, a workshop on how to maximize your business usage of Facebook, and Social Media Slam Jam. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 2/17, 6:00pm- 8:00pm (Educational & Networking): AD2SDAY: Super Bowl Review. Join special guest Tess Calle who is…
Coworking in Phoenix, Events
Recommended Phoenix Events for the Week of September 8
by Maria Sanchez •
Rain, Rain, go Away. Hope everyone stayed safe this morning and (co) worked from home if possible away from this mess. We moved to the desert for a reason, right?? Anyway, lets brighten up the rest of our week by checking out one of these great networking in Phoenix events! Hope to see you out…