Oh a Phoenix March. You come in so quick, and you bring traffic that plods along congested with sedated midwestern snowbirds. But alas you are beautiful. And so are the central Phoenix networking events! Highlighted by Venture Madness starting tonight, Startup Grind next Wednesday the 15th, and an action packed day on March 23rd including the…
Tag: Get Your PHX
14 Events to Kick off your February Networking Game! (Recommended Phoenix Events: Phoenix Startup Week Edition)
by Eric Diaz •

Well February is a big one for entrepreneurs with Phoenix Startup Week kicking off on Feb 20th. If you are in for networking tonight, there are two great networking events phoenix to kick off your Tuesday with HackerNest and Startup Grind. Like free money and live biz-pitch competitions? Two of them this month, one for…
Recommended Phoenix Networking Events: January New Year Edition
by Eric Diaz •
How is your new year kicking off? Ready for some great Phoenix networking? Us too. So many great events this week, these organizers definitely had lofty goals to kick off the year and we are the beneficiaries! This month! – Starting tonight enjoy Startup Grind in Chandler, Get Your PHX at the new Jobot, Seedspot Info…
Phoenix Influencers Week! Cristine Vieira of Find Your Influence Tonight & New Latino Influencers on Weds – Recommended Events: Week of May 17th
by Eric Diaz •

Don’t know much about Phoenix Influencers? Well this is the week to network than my friend. Many great events in store this week including Collectivo’s New Influencers event, Startup Grind featuring Cristine Vieira of Find Your Influence and more. Don’t miss out on learning about the power of influencers; hope to see you out there!…
Collectivo Presents: Latinos and Mobile Technology & More – Recommended Events: Week of March 21
by Eric Diaz •
Collectivo is hosting this week’s featured event with Victor Hernandez as its guest speaker as he discusses Latino adoption of mobile technology. Come expand your network and have great time doing it! Don’t miss out on these great opportunities and as always, hope to see you out there! Tuesday 3/22, 6:00pm – 9:00pm (Education & Networking): Network After…
Energize your Business, Blog and Tweet at the Same Time, Learn How to Create Your Own App and other Recommended Events: Week of September 14th
by Sylvia Vasquez •
This Wednesday, we will be hosting the Energize your Business series, the first of many workshops to help your business succeed. Other great events include learning blogging and tweeting strategies, learn to create your own app with Ryan Allen, Local First’s monthy meeting and last but not least, a wine cork art party. Hope to…
Mofongo! Delicious Puerto Rican Food, HubSpot, A Visit To The Velo Bike Shop & Other Recommended Events: Week of June 15th
by Lillian Martinez •

Mofongo?! Not yet hip to mofongo? Come enjoy this delicious Puerto Rican specialty at the NSHMBA Phoenix networking gallery event complete with an art raffle! Also, this week’s events include direct marketing lessons from HubSpot, Get Your PHX at The Velo Bike Shop and much more. Hope to see you out there! Tuesday 6/16, 6:00pm–9:00pm…
Coworking on 15th Ave’s One Year Anniversary and other Recommended Events: Week of March 16th
by Eric Diaz •
Happy Monday everyone! This week’s events include an art exhibit at the Arizona Senate, a talk with guest speaker Joe Ray on how to effectively communicate with Latinos in the US, and Coworking on 15th Ave’s One Year Anniversary networking event with Get Your PHX. Hope to see you out there!Tuesday 3/17, 11:30am-1:00pm (Educational & Networking): Lunch…
Come Celebrate Our 1 Year Anniversary on March 19th!
by Eric Diaz •
Our good friends at Get Your PHX are helping us to celebrate a milestone; Our 1 Year Anniversary! Join us for craft beer, food and an exclusive look at the new way to run your business. For those that have not been here yet, you will find that our office holds seven rooms with twenty desks. These…