So many great events packed into such a short week! Events include #YesPHX’s September Happy Hour and Seedspot’s kickoff party on Wednesday, as well as a great professional development event this coming Thursday with NSHMBA. Enjoy the networking opportunities. Hope to see you out there! Wednesday 9/9, 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Education & Networking): Lunch & Learn: Crafting Company…
Tag: localati
Recommended Events in Phoenix Week of June 16th from Coworking on 15th Ave
by Eric Diaz •

Networkers; we have you covered on Thursday with 3 fun events in Phoenix which will make you want to clone yourself to attend them all and then discuss them later in depth….with yourself. Marketers and Programmers we have you covered too with excellent events on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope to see you out there, enjoy! Tuesday…